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Leveraging automotive technologies in other verticals

Facilitated by Yaron Flint


Key Participants: 

Shai Albaranes – VP Innovation and Ventures, Orbia

Jameel Istaitih – Advanced Manufacturing & Production Network Expert, World Economic Forum

Ayal Somech  - Executive Director, Applied Innovation, Boeing

Ofir Malka – Open Innovation Manager, Hilti Ventures



At the recent EcoMotion Assembly, an engaging discussion titled “Leveraging Technologies from Automotive to Other Verticals” brought together experts from various industries. The panel, facilitated by Yaron Flint and included Shai Albaranes (VP Innovation and Ventures, Orbia), Jameel Istaitih (Advanced Manufacturing & Production Network Expert, World Economic Forum), Ayal Somech (Executive Director, Applied Innovation, Boeing), and Ofir Malka (Open Innovation Manager, Hilti Ventures). The session highlighted how other industries could benefit from adapting automotive technologies to new domains:

Here's a summary of the key insights from the session.

Industry 4.0: Automotive’s Leap into Digital Transformation

  • Productivity: Automotive’s integration of digital tools has enhanced productivity and efficiency. By adopting these technologies, other sectors can streamline operations and reduce costs.

  • Data-Driven Decisions: Automotive industries leverage vast data for informed decision-making. This capability can transform other verticals by providing real-time insights and predictive analytics.

  • Visualization: Digital visualization tools in automotive can be adapted for better design, planning, and collaboration in sectors like construction and manufacturing.

Ag-Tech: Tackling Sustainability and Supply Chain Challenges

Ag-tech faces unique challenges, from a complex supply chain to high carbon footprints. The panel discussed how automotive-inspired innovations could address these issues:

  • Sustainable Practices: Automotive’s advancements in sustainability can help ag-tech reduce its environmental impact through better materials and processes.

  • Supply Chain Management: Techniques used in automotive can optimize ag-tech supply chains, improving efficiency and reducing dependency on global suppliers.

Construction: Emulating Automotive’s Technological Progress

The construction industry has lagged in productivity improvements. Drawing parallels with automotive innovations, the panel identified key areas for potential transformation:

  • Digital-to-Field Integration: Adopting automotive-style digital modeling can enhance construction planning and execution, bridging the gap between digital designs and physical builds.

  • Robotics and Pre-fabrication: Technologies like smart tools, robotics, and prefabrication methods used in automotive can increase efficiency and safety in construction (

  • Off-Site Manufacturing: The shift from on-site to off-site manufacturing, as seen in automotive, can revolutionize construction practices by enabling more controlled and efficient building processes.

  • Sustainability – improvements to material source production

Navigating Barriers to Technology Transfer Despite the promising outlook, several barriers hinder cross-industry technology adoption:

1. Industry-Specific Challenges

  • Diverse Ag-Tech Needs: Different sectors within ag-tech have varied requirements. For example, the needs of a greenhouse farmer differ vastly from those of a corn farmer, making broad technology applications challenging.

  • Construction Adaptation: What works in automotive often doesn’t translate seamlessly to construction due to variability in construction projects and environments.

  • A lot of symbiosis between aviation and automotive so shared learning even if the technologies are not fully adaptable.

2. Regulatory and Scale Issues

  • Regulation: Both a barrier and a facilitator, regulation affects the pace and feasibility of technology adoption. Clear guidelines can drive ecological and safety standards but can also slow innovation if overly restrictive.

  • Scalability: Many innovative technologies face scalability challenges. While a solution might be effective on a small scale, it needs to be able to pass regulatory standards and production scale required to be adopted widely across other large industries.

3. Technology Adoption Resistance

  • Cultural Resistance: Workers often resist new technologies, perceiving them as threats to their productivity or jobs. This resistance can impede the adoption of beneficial innovations.

Actionable Steps to Overcome Collaboration Hurdles

1. Effective Regulation: Implementing targeted and incentivizing regulations can facilitate technology adoption without stifling innovation.

2. Focused Solution Development

  • Targeted Sub-Markets: Identifying and focusing on specific sub-markets within larger industries can enhance the relevance and effectiveness of new technologies.

·        Solution Over Use-Case: Teams should prioritize finding solutions that can be adapted across various scenarios rather than narrowly focusing on specific use cases.

·        Visualization and Training: Enhanced visualization tools (AR, VR, 3D modeling) can aid in training and adaptation, making it easier for workers to understand and embrace new technologies.

The discussion at EcoMotion Assembly underscored the vast potential for cross-industry technology transfer. Ultimately, this will require a collaborative approach and humility to bridge gaps between industries and drive successful integration. By addressing barriers and leveraging automotive advancements, industries like ag-tech, construction, and aviation can achieve significant strides in efficiency, sustainability, and innovation.

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